Tour Description

At Lake Nakuru visitors can enjoy the wide ecological diversity and varied habitats that range from Lake Nakuru itself to the surrounding escarpment and picturesque ridges. Lake Nakuru National Park is ideal for bird watching, hiking, picnic and game drives.

Masai Mara safari delivers many attractions, as the reserve is home to an excellent year-round concentration of game, including the more than two million wildebeest, zebras and other antelopes that make up the famous Great Migration. &Beyond owns 2 lodges in the Masai Mara; Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp and Bateleur Camp.

The reserve is a photographer’s and naturalist’s paradise, with abundant elephant, buffalo, giraffe, lion and cheetah alongside the migratory wildebeest and zebra. Leopards are frequently encountered, endangered black rhino hide in the dense thickets and large rafts of hippo and enormous crocodiles are found in the Mara River. The park is also home to over 450 bird species.

Tour Itinerary

DAY 1:

06h30: Arrival in Nairobi. Met by our team outside customs and immigration halls.
Briefed on your safari and introduced to your driver guide.
Morning drive to the Mount Kenya Forest Region & National Park.
Arrive and check-in. Lunch at MOUNTAIN SERENA LODGE OR SIMILAR.
Rest of afternoon at leisure to enjoy the scenery, game viewing from the terrace of the lodge.
NOTE:  This evening you will observe wild life as they come to drink at a flood-lit waterhole.
Dinner and overnight stay MOUNTAIN SERENA LODGE OR SIMILAR

DAY 2:

08h30: After breakfast, rejoin your driver guide and depart for Lake Nakuru National Park, which is situated in the Rift Valley Region.
Check-in and lunch at the lodge.
16h00: Game drive in the park and around the alkaline lake that’s famous for its pink flamingos and other species of bird life such as the cormorants and the pelicans. It is Kenya’s first rhino sanctuary for both the black & white species.
Dinner and overnight stay at SAROVA LION HIL LODGE OR SIMILAR

DAY 3:


07h00: After breakfast, depart to the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Arrive for check-in and lunch at the camp.

Afternoon continue to Masai Mara with a game drive.

This world-famous reserve is home to over 37 different species of wildlife including the BIG FIVE (Buffalo, Rhino, Elephant, Leopard and Lion). It has over 375 different species of bird life and is the natural prolongation of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

Arrive at the lodge and check-in.  Dinner and overnight stay MARA FIG TREE CAMP OR SIMILAR

DAY 4:


06h30: Tea or coffee and depart for an early morning game drive in the reserve.

08h30: Return to the camp for breakfast.

10h30: Another game drive in the reserve or morning free.

12h30: Lunch at the camp

16h00: Afternoon game drive around the reserve up till sunset.

Dinner and overnight stay at the MARA FIG TREE CAMP OR SIMILAR

(You have the choice of going out on a full day game drive with picnic lunches if you so desire)

DAY 5:


07h30: After breakfast, depart to Nairobi.

Arrival and transferred to Carnivore Restaurant for lunch.

It is famous for its large selection of grills. Or the Haandi Restaurant for vegetarian cuisine.

Evening transferred to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your flight back home.

Safari Includes

Safari Excludes


Canva - Leopard Resting on a Tree Trunk
photo safari4

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